Been wrapping your mother’s sarees and dupattas around yourself to look like a sultry Indian beauty or even a Greek goddess since age five? Loved fancy dress competitions at school because it gave you a chance to dress up and put on some of mommy’s make up? Keeping up with the trend, going vintage, retro, traditional, classical or just cool and funky? Sketching or doodling designs mindlessly during classes, with a ‘rough copy’ full of doodles, drawings and designs on faceless models? Secretly enjoyed the guilty pleasure of the idea of making it as a fashion designer?

If the next Coco Channel is what you want to be, then sign up for the range of courses offered by the international institute of fashion design, a premier fashion institute based in New Delhi.
Offering a variety of fashion design courses that include Fashion Design, Apparel Manufacturing, Knitwear Design and Technology, Garment Manufacturing and Technology etc., international institute of fashion design has attained the status of a trendsetting fashion institute. Not only does the institute impart a top-tier education, but it has also shaped the careers of many students. So to all you fashionistas out there turn your amateur, doodled design work to a professional reality!